Dreaming of puppies

Dreaming of puppies
Dixie and the pups

Dixie all dressed up for walkies

Dixie all dressed up for walkies

Sunday, December 27, 2009

All Adopted

Caille and Jack actually were returned from their first adoption foray, for reason related to the inability of their adoptive parents to take proper care of them and not to anything they did. However, Caille and Jack were adopted again, and went with Georgia to 3 different members of one family (adult children and parents), so the puppies will be able to see one another occasionally. Their adoptive families all have dog experience, so they should be in good hands. Sandy (now called Sadie) went to another family with 2 children who seem to be thrilled with her. So, the puppies have all gone to good homes with people who love them.

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